The most, medicative product of neem plant is its oil. An application of it on the surface is disinfective, germicidal, stimulative and healing. The sores and ulcers of a old syphilitic patient, hard abscesses, highly vitiated wounds – for all of these, this is a very useful medicine. The wounds that do not heal up well by any other treatment -even they v/ill show a markedly effective response when treated by neem oil.
In case however the use of a very pure neem oil proves too much burning or irritating, one can mix it with any other bland oil in1 an equal quantity with similar good results. Neem oil has proved very useful in all kinds of parasitic infections of the skin such as ring worm, itches and eczema. Use this in all cases where there is any type of skin infection whatsoever.
This will prevent the infection further and the skin will regain its normal health. Incase you feel that the infection has become deep and has not remained superficial any longer, massage the region concerned with neem oil for about ten minutes, as noted above. The oil is a good destroyer of all pus filled lesions and eruptions.