A. F. Unsatisfied or suppressed sexual desire; Emotional excitement; disappointed love.
Paralysis spreads from below upwards. Lower part of body gives way before the upper. VERTIGO in old age; or worse turning the head to left; amel. closingthe eyes. Vertigo especially when lying down or turning in bed.
FEMALE : Nodes in mammae; mammae congested before and during menses. (Also induration or atrophy of testes). Induration of glands after contusions. Epistaxis from suppressed menses.
Complaints (rheumatism) better by hanging down the limbs. Flow of URINE intermittent (in old men with enlarged prostate gland). Dry spasmodic COUGH from dry spot in the larynx. Worse night and lying down; must sit up for relief EYES : Drooping eyelids. Intense photophobia, out of all proportion to or even without inflammation.
MIND : No inclination for business or study, indolent, indifferent; takes no interest in anything. Memory weak, unable to sustain any mental effort. Fear and timidity.
Haemorrhage from eveiy orifice or surface of the body, even from pores of skin – from gums, nose, stomach, lungs, urethra, womb, under the nails. Haemorrhage, slow oozing Bloody SWEAT too. Sudden and great PROSTRATION of the vital force.
Malignant JAUNDICE (sometimes following blood transfusion). Yellow : face, conjunctiva, urine, whole body. RIGHT SIDED remedy. Symptoms worse after sleep. Vdmiting, purging and urination simultaneous. Sloughing, a strong indication.
Constant tickling cough in children, begins as soon as head touches the pillow at night (Bell. Rumx) Cough deep-sounding hoarse, barking worse after midnight (during or after measles), spasmodic, with gagging, retching and vomiting. (Whooping) cough with violent paroxysms which follow each other rapidly, is scarcely able to breathe (Suffocating cough).
Laryngeal phthisis following whooping cough.. Clergyman’s sore throat, voice hoarse, deep toneless, cracked; requires exertion to speak.