Great liability to take cold. Pains usually in short attacks cause redness of face and eyes; fullness of head and throbbing of carotids. Rush of blood to head and face. Congestive headache with red face, throbbing of brain worse from slight jar, noise, motion, light, lying down, least exertion, better by pressure.
Pains appear and disappear suddenly. Fever : Head hot, face flushed, eyes wild staring, pupils dilated, pulse full and bounding. Convulsions during teething with fever (without fever : Mag. p.). Head hot, feet cold.
Rheumatic and gouty complaints with diseases of the urinary organs. Renal or vesical symptoms predominate. Burning and soreness in the region of kidneys.Stitching cutting pains from left kidney following the course of the ureter into bladder and urethra. (Right kidney: Lyco.).
Renal colic worse left side (with urging and stranguary: Canth.). Pain in small of back, very sensitive to touch in renal region. Colic from gall-stones.
Mental Generals : Dread or DOWNWARD MOTION in nearly all complaints. When laying the child down in the crib, it cries and clings to the nurse; also when rocking, dancing, going down stairs. Vertigo when going downstairs.
Sensitive to SUDDEN NOISES; Violent fright from report of a gun, even at a distance. Fright from the NOISE of DIWALI Crackers.
Sore mouth of NURSING CHILDREN. Aphthae of the mouth and tongue which BLEED easily. Fear of THUNDER.
Blepharitis with much soreness of the eyelids and agglutination after sleep. Desire to rub the eyes.
Copious, clear and albuminous LEUCORRHOEA, of transparent mucus after menses. Pruritus pudenda. Child SCREAMS before urinating. Mucous stools WITH aphthous sore mouth.