How to Lose Weight: Arthritis, Anemia and Cancer


In simple language arthritis is an inflammation deformity, and stiffening of joints, often causing considerable pain. As the joints stiffen they become more and more painful to move, thus crippling the affected person. There are various types of arthritis but rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, and osteo arthritis are the most common. Gouty arthritis is due to an inherited metabolic disorder, discussed earlier in this chapter.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting connective tissue in the body.

Osteoarthritis is due to degeneration of the cartilage in the joints.

According to a panel of doctors and nutritionists who met at the National Institute of Health U.S.A. in February 1985 ” Among other dangers associated with excess weight are the degenerative changes in the joints especially hips and knees, leading to arthritis of the involved joint.” An additional weight imposed on an arthritic joint can lead to unbearable and crippling pain. Losing weight won’t cure arthritis of any kind but it will certainly lessen the pain in most cases.

Just about everyone develops some form of arthritis at some time in life. And it is generally agreed that there is no cure for arthritis. But according to some Nutrition authorities “Hereditary and diet are believed to be underlying factors in the degeneration of cartilage in the joints.”

What you eat may have something, to do with the development or the severity of your arthritis, so it’s important to make sure that your diet is nutritious and well-balanced as in The Balanced-Nutrient Diet. Foods should be completely natural whenever possible. For example the fruits in your diet give you vitamin C you need for strong collagen in your cartilage. You must eat a lot of nutritious food to ‘prevent’ arthritis as well as to ‘treat’ arthritis. This can be easily done by eating, all the foods included in The Balanced-Nutrient Diet.


Anaemia is a very common problem in India. But in an obese individual it deserves special mention because of the accompanying faulty eating habits.

Anaemia is a problem which can be helped by dietary means. For example, anaemia results from lack of protein, iodine, calcium , niacin, vitamin B6 vitamin B12, folic acid, cobalt, copper and iron.

Most doctors prescribe certain iron tablets and vitamin pills for treatment of specific anaemias. Yet it is important to realise that the natural foods, containing all the B vitamins and minerals, included in The Balanced -Nutrient Diet are of special value in correcting anaemia.


Cancer remains a medical mystery. No doctor can assert any specific cause of cancer. Statistical evidence suggests that incidence of cancer is high in obese persons. Doctors at the National Institute of Health Baltimore U.S.A. indicate that obese men have a higher incidence of certain cancers, such as those of colon, rectum and prostate. Overweight women run a greater risk of developing malignant tumors of the ovaries, uterus and after menopause, the breasts.

Dietary factors have been implicated in the development of cancer. The forms of cancer that appear to be dependent on nutrition include stomach, liver, breast, prostate, large intestine, small intestine and colon.

Colon cancer is believed to be caused largely by lack of adequate fibre in the diets that contain too much of refined carbohydrate. Too much fat in the diet has been linked to breast cancer as well as to colon cancer.

There is evidence that Vitamin deficiency plays a role in the occurrence of cancer of the oral cavity and the oesophagus. Chronic B complex deficiency, due to inadequate supply of vegetable in the diet, appears to be responsible.

A deficiency in any vitamin or mineral can be a contributing factor in the development of cancer. Vitamins A and C , for example, are important in the construction of strong tissue that is resistant to invasion by cancer cells. Vitamin C and E have anti-oxidant properties that protect cell membranes from the destructive effects of oxygen. Deficiencies in such trace minerals as zinc, selenium and magnesium, which occur as a result of refining grains, may also contribute to the development of cancer. Whether you’re overweight or not, it’s important to pay close attention to what you eat. Anyone can lose weight by eating, ‘less’ . The secret of ‘healthful’ dieting, however, is food selection. You must supply your body with essential nutrients. Your Balanced-Nutrient Diet takes all this into consideration. With the large part of your energy nutrients coming from natural carbohydrates, you’ll get the fibres you need along, with trace minerals and other essential nutrients.

Adequate fibre in your diet will speed emptying the waste matter from your colon, preventing conversion of bile acids to carcinogenic toxins. You need all the vitamins, minerals, and fibre if you want to stay slim and maintain your body’s resistance to cancer or any other disease. Don’t just quit eating when you want to lose weight. Instead, make an effort to eat ‘properly’ and ‘sensibly’. For a longer, slimmer, healthier life make your Balanced-Nutrient Diet a lifetime diet.

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