How to Lose Weight: Can I eat my normal food now that I’ve lost weight?

“I’m so psyched and upset by remarks from people” lamented Mrs. Renu Jain “that it has become impossible for me to keep up my lost weight. My friends and well-wishers say that my body has sagged, I look older than my age. They say that I look pale and sick and that I have lost the beauty and charm I had when I used to weight seventy-six kilos. They insist that I should gain back my lost weight.”

Mrs. Renu Jain, the twenty-seven-year-old designer of an internationally famous washing machine, now a fashion designer and a boastful model of her own designer outfits, lost sixteen kilos in five months, to reach her desired weight.

Let’s forget the people! How do you personally feel having lost so much of weight” I asked.

“Well, frankly speaking, I feel so nice, so light, so healthy and so full of energy. My output of work has increased tremendously. I no more feel exhausted at the end of the day despite my hectic schedule between designing clothes and my two small children at home. I even exercise, as per your suggestion, regularly. I personally feel that my physical appearance has improved so much that I, in fact, look forward to go out to parties and social gatherings which hitherto I had dreaded so much. Indeed I have found my real self trapped within me behind layers of ugly fat. I’d hate to think where I’d be and what I’d be like today if I had not been able to shed off excess weight. Losing excess weight has truly worked wonders in my life.”

Remember misery seeks company. Do not get bothered by friends and well-wishers who at first nag you to lose excess weight and once you lose it, plague you to put it on again. If you have fat friends who are constantly badgering and bothering you, find new friends. Some fat people who do not have the knowledge or the self control to ear sensibly and lose excess weight in a healthful manner, might feel threatened by examples of your nutritional discipline and healthy weight loss.

If you have control of your life, you can live a healthy and zestful life, no matter what everyone else is saying.

Take charge of your life. Remind yourself again and again that it is to be fat and heavy. Tell yourself that you will be the master of your body and your health. Have confidence and faith in the expert guidance of the qualified doctor who has helped you to lose your excess weight. You have lost excess fat by following The Balanced-Nutrient Diet, a diet full of essential elements so necessary to maintain good health. You have followed the simple exercises suggested in this book as a safeguard against possible sagging of your body whilst losing weight and you are still continuing to exercise regularly. Theref ore the possibility of your body sagging due to weight loss is remote. So have confidence in yourself.

Take the case of Mr. Sudam Bapu, forty three years old, packaging incharge, Cargo Complex, Sahar Airport, Bombay. When he reduced his body weight from a burdensome 135 kilos to a comfortable 85 kilos, he broke away from a lifestyle that lived and breathed fat. Sudam Bapu’s parents were fat and he had fat friends. Even his wife was fat. Fat encourages fat.

After Sudam Bapu lost fat on a medically supervised weight-loss programme and The Balanced-Nutrient Diet, his personality and his needs changed along with his physique. New eating habits were accompanied by new friends and new activities. “I no longer eat the way I used to eat” Sudam Bapu explained. “And I’m no longer ashamed to eat in public. In fact, I’m constantly offering people advice on how to eat. I intend to pass my dietary knowledge to my family. I don’t want my children to be hindered by fat the way I was.”

“I can’t think of a better gift for your family, friends and well-wishers than to impart a little good advice on how to eat properly. You can be a teacher of good nutrition as well as an example of good nutrition,” says Dr. Mrs. Shalini Gupta, dentist, on having lost eight kilos on The Balanced-Nutrient Diet.

Do no emulate the eating habits of friends and well- wishers if they eat badly. Do not depend upon people who themselves have no idea about health, to tell you how you should feel or whether you require to lose or gain weight and so on. That way you will never succeed in maintaining good health and keeping up your ideal weight. Your best weight is the weight at which you look best and function best regardless of what people say.

If you really have a take an opinion regarding your weight or how you should, look-cosmetically considering – then rely on people who are closet to you and who matter the most in your life. If they feel that a little of fat can be attractive on you, then it’s not too hard to determine when you have reached your desired goal. A quick look in the mirror will tell the story. When you are pleased with your physical appearance, it’s not likely that you need to lose any more weight. Some persons do look good with a little extra body fat. It could be that you do, too. Just be honest with yourself and then use your best judgement.

Ms. M. Dastoor, Air Hostess, lost ten kilos in three months on a medically supervised weight-loss programme and The Balanced-Nutrient Diet. “I’m still five kilos overweight according to you doctor,” Ms. Dastoor noted, “but I don’t really believe I should lose any more weight.” I agreed. Ms. Dastoor was slightly plump, but she looked great. Her body lines were full but firm and she was physically appealing. As long as you feel good about yourself and are pleased with the way you look, it isn’t necessary for you to lose further weight or gain back some or all of the lost weight, just to meet someone else’s standard.

Mr. Mahmood Khan, an engineer and owner of an Electronics Showroom lost ten kilos under medical supervision and on The Balanced-Nutrient Diet. “Can I eat my normal food now that I’ve lost weight?” he asked.

Time and again patients after following The Balanced Nutrient Diet and having reached their ideal weight, ask the same old question ” Now shall I go back on my normal diet?” This means the diet which has brought about obesity and ill health. ‘Normal diet’ to many patients merely means eating normal foods in normal manner without giving any serious thought to the fundamentals of nutrition.

Health is a precious gift. Only when it is gone do we realize the significance of this simple truth. You must learn ‘why you eat’ what to eat, when to eat, and how much of each food to eat’, in accordance with the needs and requirements of your body, both ‘intellectually’ and ‘consciously’, ‘not’ instinctively, as in the past. In order to maintain ideal and healthy weight you must eat ‘wisely’ not for a month or a year, but for the rest of your life.

Get accustomed to eating natural wholesome foods suggested in The Balanced-Nutrient Diet. Avoid excess in food which lead to obesity and ill-health. The Balanced-Nutrient Diet rich in vital factors proteins, vitamins, minerals etc. ‘drawn from natural foods’ is our only true safeguard. Only in natural foods to which man has long been adapted, can we find ‘all’ essential factors required for positive health.

How can I prevent my lost weight from coming back permanently?

Everything you’ve learned upto now, in this book should be applied to maintain your ideal weight. Don’t stop eating properly prepared fresh, low-fat natural foods just because you’re no longer fat. It is not the occasional party or holiday dinner that puts on the kilos. It is the reverting back to faulty lifestyle and eating certain types of food day after day such as too much bread and chapatties made of refined flour, too many sweets, chocolates and icecreams, rich thick gravied dishes, fried foods and so on. Unless you are willing to change your habits of eating, do not bother to lose weight for regardless of how many kilos you lose, you will gain them back as soon as you again eat an excess of artificial foods and such foods as mentioned above.

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