Ailments from (A/F) exposure to COLD winds, with sudden attacks, acute inflammation and congestion (heart, circulation, head).
Great FEAR and anxiety of mind; fear of death; predicts the hour of death. Tossing about in agony; inconsolable. Fear of crowds, of crossing the streets. Remote effects of FRIGHT. (Op.).
High fever, dry hot skin; intense burning thirst for large quantities of cold water. One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold
CHILD : Retention of urine, or stranguary in NEWBORN. Sudden watery diarrhea and CONVULSION of teething children. Grinding of teeth. Agg. Evening and night; fright, shock, violent emotions. FEVER : Great heat with dry, hot skin and no sweat. (Bell, even greater heat but sweats on covered parts).
Intolerance of MILK; violent sudden vomiting of LARGE CURDS, almost choking the child. Hungry after vomiting; then exhausted : sleep. Wakes up hungry, drinks milk and vomits again. (Ant. c. does not want to nurse again).
Inability to think or fix attention (in students from overexertion of mind). Inability to stand or hold head up with no particular ailment.
SUDDEN, VIOLENT EFFECTS : Deathly nausea. Violent convulsions; Violent tenesmus during stool. Violent convulsions with cold limbs. Epileptic form spasms with clenched thumbs; eyes turned downwards. Total exhaustion, prostration with sleepiness. Body bluish-black. White linea nasals (white pallor beginning at alae nasi, extending to the angle of the mouth), an expression of great ANXIETY and PAIN.