Asthma Treatment: Pleurisy

This is actually inflammation of the inner lining of the lungs (called Pleura). It is not directly a respiratory disorder but, since lungs are the main seat of infection, it has been included here in this book. The disease is caused by and due to pneumonia in the underlying lung when pleural surfaces, which are normally slippery and shiny, become slightly sticky.

The characteristic features being pain on deep breathing and a rub can be heard while examining through a stethoscope. It may be clearly understood that pleurisy is always associated with any disorder pertaining to chest, lung, chest wall, diaphragm or abdomen.

Pus or water may also form in the pleura which need to be aspirated so as to relieve breathlessness. When water has been drained out, a chest X-ray should always be taken so as to know exactly the quantum and extent of success. Treatment has to be continued for a specified period, when no break should occur.

Mostly antibiotics/anti-tubercular or anti-pnumonia drugs are given, in addition to pleural effusion. Sometimes, a 20 mg daily dose of Prednisolone may have to be coupled with previous medication and taken orally to promote rapid absorption of fluid and also to obviate need for further aspiration which may prevent fibrosis.

Oral treatment can be easily carried on at home but in case of effusion and other preceding or following measures, hospital is the right place and no effort should ever be made at home for effusion. When there is no presence of water/ pus in the pleura, it is called ‘Dry pleurisy’.

There is persistant cough, pain in chest and around back, inflammation of pleura (with or without pus/water), slight fever are the symptoms which should warn a patient and those around him about possibility of pleural infection. Since the infection is tubercular in nature, the attendants should use requisite cautions and take preventive and protective steps lest they also get infected.


Aconite-30 : When there is thirst with heat, chilliness and rheumatic pain.

Bryonia-30: Pain in the chest aggravated by movements, cough is dry, yellow; there is bitter taste in the month and constipation. Symptoms ameliorate while lying on the painful/affected side.

Cimicifuga-6 : Useful when there is pain in the chest.

Sulphur-6 : When the disease aggravates at night.

Try also Senega- 30, Arnica-6, Arsenic Album-6, Bacillinum-200 according to symptoms.


Shringa Bhasma or Chandramrita Ras or Marichadi vati may be used (3-4 times daily). If sputum is on the rise, it can be quelled by giving 100 mg of Kasturi Bhairav with garlic juice or Jaimangal Ras with honey may be tried. Hot-water-bottle fomentation (or by a sand bag—say of Vi kg) duly heated on an iron plate, may be resorted to loosen cough and to relieve chest congestion.

Stop using cold water or even hot water in case of thirst, instead use Punarnava decoction 5 ml or mix 100 mg of purified shilajit to it. 1-2 Pills of Aarogya Vardhini Vati at bed time, will relieve complaints pertaining to urine and stool.

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