Asthma Treatment: Fasting to Relieve Asthma

Fasting does not construe total abstention from food intake. In fact, process of fasting has been devised to rectify the ravages and upsets caused by irregular over-eating or when needs of body and health are relegated or subjugated to avarice of palate.

Let it be clearly understood that very few people die due to under-eating, whereas millions die of over-eating. When food is deeply fried with saturated fats, enriched with spices, meats, (excluding essential nutrients), there should be no doubt about imbibing disease.

When body is treated like a dust-bin, food relxations and indiscretions are treated as normal episodes, when everything and anything finds its way into our stomach, we must not expect metabolism to behave kindly with us.

Overeating is a major cause for onset of acidity, flatulence, colic, burning sensation, loose motions or constipated bowels, rise in cholesterol level, diabetes, respiratory disorders, cardiac disorders, joint pains, gout, arthritis, high blood pressure—to name a few only. Too much consumption of alcohol, fats, tobacco use, spices, fast foods etc. are sufficient to cause multiple health hazards.


□ Complete fast
□ Partial fast
□ Fast on fruits only
□ Fast on fruits and vegetables only
□ Fast on milk and mango
□ Fast on milk and banana diet
□ Fast on honey and lemon
□ Giving up one food item each day
□ Fasting on water alone

Fast is a way to cleanse the body and divest it from obnoxious and harmful toxins. Fast is a protective device, if taken in health, but will prove as a curative and preventive device, if taken invasion of some disease.

Following persons should not go for fasting :

□ Young and growing children.
□ Pregnant and lactating ladies.
□ Old, infirm and bed-ridden persons.
□ Those who suffer from malnutrition.
□ Economically weaker, labourers, travellers, poor persons.
□ During menstrual periods or menopause or during puberty.
□ Persons with low glucose level in the blood.
□ Any cardiac disease/low-blood pressure patients.
□ During any acute illness.


Those who are gluttons, have sedentary habits, who revel in overeating, lead an easy and luxurious life, are addicts, do not do any physical activity can, initally, face plenty of problems if they go for fasting. Such persons should start with partial fasting, i.e. they should miss a meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

When they succeed in the first venture, they can switch on to complete fast but, to the type of persons categorised here, it is not easy to fast for the whole day. Fasting is another way of sacrificing, because during fast you have to forego a food item or a meal which; invariably implies that, for the sake of fast (or to say to keep your health in good humour) you are sacrificing either a meal or a food item—of course which you love most.

Fasting not only purifies your body but also purifies and elevates your mental and intellectual faculties. It is a unique way to purge out impurities from your word, deed and mind. It elevates your good and noble traits but, at the same time, improves your general approach to life. The process of purging out impurities is known as ‘Law of Catharsis’.

Fasting balances various juices and enzymes, apart from secretions/excretions, within the body so as to favour and improve general metabolism of the body, finally leading to normal health. If the beginners experience any disorder or discomfort during fasting, they should, at once, seek guidance of Naturopath.

As a first step, reduce food quantity from your diet, skip either breakfast or lunch or dinner. When no problem is encountered by sacrificing one meal (for 7 days), add to it one more meal (to be missed), and finally you will reach a situation when, even giving up whole day’s meals, will not pose any problem to you.

When you end up your fast, take very light diet at night—say a glassful of milk, 1-2 pieces of seasonal fruits, 1-2 buttered slices. Beverage may be used hot, cold or lukewarm, according demands of weather conditions, or still better, what suits you best but, in no case, the occasion should be utilised to make up for the adjured food in one go. If the aspirant’s aim is to overload the stomach at the end of the fast, it is better if he does not opt for fasting, as fating is no excuse or occasion for overeating or satiating your taste buds.


An ideal fast is that in which there is no fatigue, run-down condition, weakness, loss of appetite, loose motions or constipation, fever etc. Natural appetite, general resistance and strength of the body, downward trend of various disorders, regulated respiration and circulation, reduction in pains and aches, cheerfulness, elevation of spirits, renewed energy etc. are some of the benefits which should follow a successful fast.

If a fast is kept for the whole day, one should take some honey and lemon juice so that there is no sign of weakness, fatigue and linging for food. During summer days, one must not stay without intake of water, or else elotrolytic balance will get disturbed. To offset emergence of dehydration, mix a juice of lemon and pinch of salt and a tsp of sugar to Vi glassful of water which can be sipped or drunk as and when needed.

The diabetics can substitute sugar with a teaspoon of honey. If you take either of the recipes, detailed above, you are not likely to feel weak and also won’t run the risk of dehydration or thirst.


This will form part of partial fast when, at the time of breakfast, a glass of milk with two bananas or one/two pieces of some seasonal fruits are taken. It will suffice to meet food requirements for a normal person, for about 6-8 hours but, in-between honey, lemon juice with water, may be taken.

During summer some persons prefer a glass of whey or 250 gms of curd, to which a piece of banana or any other fresh fruit may be added. It is reiterated that ailing persons should never take to fasting, unless they have been specifically advised by their attending Physicians/ Naturopaths.

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