Aconite – Complaints caused by exposure to cold, dry weather, esp. respiratory affections. Remote effects of fright. Cries out and grasps the genitals. Children put their hands to the affected part. Fear accompanies most trifling ailments. Great anxiety, agonising fear and restlessness accompany even trivialailment. Fear of death. Anxious, feverish. Grinding of teeth. Sudden watery diarrhoea and convulsions of teething children.
Antimonium – Cross, sulking, cries if touched or looked at.
Crudum : Averse to washing and mother’s milk (Sil.).Thick milky-white coating on tongue. Nausea without vomiting or vomiting without nausea – a striking symptom.
Antimonium tart. – Restlessness rel ieved by being carried upright. Drowsy, comatose (paralysis of lungs) due to accumulated mucus with inability to raise it. Averse to being touched or spoken to.
Apis – Very restless. Jealous of other children; will not share toys or allow mother to be touched by other children. Cries out in sleep and kicks off covers (hot patient).
Argentum nitricum – Fear of heights, of narrow places, of lifts. Feels he is despised, deserted, forsaken. Hurried, impulsive. Craves sugar which aggravates. Diarrhoea, stool turns green after remaining on diaper, after candy or sugar.
Arsenicum alb.- Capricious; wants to be carried from father to mother – carried fast. Anxiety at night. Biting nails. Mentally restless, physically too weak to move. Intense restlessness. Drinks little and often.
Aurum met. – Low spirited pining boys and girls. Testes undescended, atrophied or undeveloped. Testes more pendent shreds in pining boys. Emaciation with loss of appetite.
Baryta carb. – Mentally deficient, idiot, inattentive. Weak mentally and physically. Slow learning to talk (Agar., Nat. mur.) and walk. Cannot be taught because he cannot remember. Mentally and physically dwarfish. Childish, infantile behaviour. Indecisive. Hides behind furniture before strangers. Keeps hands on face and peeps through fingers. Thinks he is being laughed at or made fun of.
Belladonna – An angel when well (jovial and entertaining), but a devil when sick (violent). Convulsions with fever, with hit head, red face, violent distortion of body (without fever: Magphos.). Desire to bite.
Calcarea carb.- Large head with large abdomen. Very slow bony development (curvature, rickets). Late walking. Profuse head sweat wetting the pillow. Damp cold feet. Inclined to grow fat; flabby, weak, lethargic, perspiring. Skin cold, clammy like a snake’s. Late learning to walk or stand. Body smells sour. Out of breath from slight exertion. Precocious; obstinate; Anxious when lifted from oradle. Night terrors; wakes up at 2 or 3 a.m., screams.
Calcarea phos. – Delicate, anaemic child with soft, thin bones; lean and tall. Child refuses breast; milk tastes salty. Infant wants to nurse all the time and vomits easily, weak digestion. Every bite hurts the stomach. Retarded dentition. Weak, thin neck, cannot hold head up. Oozing of bloody fluid from the navel of infants. Loses breath on being lifted up (Borax). Late learning to walk.
Chamomilla – Cross, unappeasable Snappish, aversion to being touched or spoken to. Desire to be carried, rocked. Capricious. Difficult dentition; sends the nurse out of room. Snappish. Child wants different things, and petulantly pushes them off when offered. Stools like chopped eggs and spinach. Irritability during dentition.
China – Emaciation of children with ravenous appetite. Ill humour, averse to being petted or caressed. Desire various things without knowing what. Diarrhoea after weaning. Chronic debilitating diarrhoea with emaciation. Asphyxia of newborn due to great loss of blood by the mother.
Cina – Child wants to be rocked – not touched or caressed. Proof against all caresses. Shy of strangers. Grinds teeth in sleep. Hungry soon after eating. Infant wants to be nursed all the time. Picks nose or rubs it against the pillow.
Gelsemium – Child seizes nurse or screams as if afraid of falling; wants to be hold. (Borax from downward motion). Thirstless during fever.
Hepar sulph. – Smells sour. Very crpss, Does not laugh or amuse itself. Sits silent and speechless in a corner. Dissatisfied with oneself and others. Nothing pleases him. Every injury or hurt suppurates. Ill effects of reprimand or correction (or from worms). Convulsions after punishment or fright with a fixed staring look.
Kreosotum – Old looking, wrinkled children with rapid emaciation. Painful dentition, Teeth begin to decay as soon as they erupt. Incontinence of urine during first sleep, from which child is roused with difficulty. Child will not sleep unless caressed and fondled.
Lycopodium – Sickly babies cry all day, sleep all. night (Reverse : Jalapa, Borax). Child emaciated; wrinkled forehead; prematurely old. Nose stopped at night; must breathe through mouth. Inguinal hernia, right sided.
Lyssin (Hydro phobinum) – Fear of dogs. Ailments from fright. Fear of being left alone, forsaken.
Magnesia carb. – Nervous, irritable children with sour diarrhoea and sour smell of whole body. Great craving for meat (esp. in children of tubercular parentage). Nursing children pass undigested milk with stool (Calc.a). Emaciation with ravenous appetite. Emaciated, does not thrive in spite of feeding. Child refuses mother’s milk. Difficult dentition (diarrhoea). Medorrhinum – Dwarfish, backward. Dull, understands questions only after repetition (Baryta carb). Bites nails. Fiery red rash about the anus of babies. Sleeps in knee-chest position.
Nux vomica – Violent anger; easily excited. Headstrong; self-willed. Extreme sensitiveness to pain. Easily offended. Easily angered. Snuffles of infants. Frequent and unsuccessful desire for stool, or passes axamaxl small quantity at a time. Emaciation with ravenous appetite. Nose stuffed up, prevents nursing in infants. Left inguinal hernia in children. Craves fat food, chalk.
Natrum mur. – Great emaciation, esp. neck, though eating well. Headache from eyestrain, preceded by blurred vision. Late learning to talk and walk. Craving for salty food. Headache of school children. Constipation on alternate days, hard crumbling.
Picric acid – Brain fag. Mental prostration after least intellectual work. (Phos. acid).
Rhus tox.- Incontinence of urine agg at night, or on lying, in boys. Nosebleed from physical exertion. Tendency to catch cold easily; from getting wet. Eczema of infants.
Sepia – Diarrhoea of infants, agg. milk. Enuresis as soon as child sleeps. Leucorrhoea in little girls. Jaundice in NEWBORN. Face like an old man; big belly; dry flabby skin.
Silicea – Open fontenelles and sutures. Big abdomen and emaciated limbs. Poorly developed bones and muscles; sunken eyes, old-looking pinched face. Weak ankles. Slow in learning to walk -all due to defective assimilation of whatever nutrition is given. Aversion to mother’s milk which is vomited or causes diarrhoea. Child utterly lacking in self-assertiveness. Cries when kindly spoken to Timidity.
Stramonium – Child will not go to sleep in the dark, but soon falls asleep in a lighted room. Fear of dark, or tunnels, as if a dog is attacking him. Cannot bear to be alone, esp. at night. Clings to those around.
Sulphur – Lips bright red, complexion sallow. Feels hot, kicks off the clothes at night. Emaciated with old looking face, big belly, skin dry, flabby. Stool is large and painful; child is afraid to have the stool on account of pain. Fontenelles close too late. Child dreads to be washed or bathed in cold water. Craving for sweets and fats. Lean and stoop shouldered; standing is the worst position. Famished at 11 a.m., must have something to eat.
Syphilinum – Acute ophthalmia in newborn; pain intense at night from 2 to 5 a.m.; profuse pus amel. by cold bathing. Teeth decay at edge of gums and break off; are cupped. Old looking babies and children. Obstinate constipation. Copious flow of sleep in sleep at night.
Tuberculinum – Nervous, weak, mentally deficient. Hydrocephalic. Cold sweat on head. Child talks and cries in sleep. Grinds teeth in sleep. Diarrhoea runs for weeks with wasting. Bed-wetting. NOTE : Children bear Tuberculinum well and need frequent repetition. For immunisation : give 1OM, 50M and CM two doses of each at long intervals (Kent).