Eye Care: Ayurvedic Treatment for Myopia, Lacrimation (Profuse Wateringfrom the Eyes), Floating or Worm Like Objects, Eye Flu and Night Blindness


It is an opposite condition of Hypermetropia (or long vision). In myopia a patient cannot see objects which are farther than 6 metres from the eye due to the back of the eye being too long (highly convex). The patient has difficulty in seeing far off objects but this defect can be corrected with the help of concave lenses of the required curvature. But the defect continues to increase with age, as a result of which the patient has to change his spectacles quite often.

The malady is caused due to sensitivity to cold, constipation, viewing solar eclipse. In addition loss/disturbance in sleep or headache. Viewing T. V. from short distance could also be the causes.

As for treatment, take Triphala water or decoction or even a tsp of powder daily (water to be taken, in the morning, 2 hours before going to the closet and powder with hot water/milk at bedtime). Next, wash the eyes with Triphala water. Avoid cold in any form.

Take powder of multiple (Yashti Madhu/Glycyrrhiza Glabra)= Vi tsp and add lA tsp of honey and % tsp of ghee. This dose should be taken on empty stomach in the morning and then in the evening at bed-time.

If myopia is caused by some nervous debility, it can be treated by taking a tsp of Saptamrita Lauha (twice daily with milk). Six drops of Shadbindu Taila may be dropped in each nostril to get rid of nasal congestion and cold. If there is nasty and chronic constipation, take Mahatriphladi Ghrita (1-2 tsp) twice daily with hot milk, depending on severity of constipated bowels.

Do not read at night, under moon or dim light and also give a pause after reading, writing, viewing TV/movie. Do not perform any fine work which strains the eyes. Walk barefooted on dew covered grass. Do not read while lying in bed, in sofa, in a reclined position, lying on one side, not from too near or too long distance. Let the light fall on the book from your left side. Give due rest to your eyes.


There is no redness, pain or irritation in the eyes except water flowing from the eyes. Water can also flow from the eyes due to cold/snowy winds, entry of dust and other foreign particles, constantly looking at an object, straining the eyes beyond their endurance capacity. If lacrimation doesn’t interfere with normal functioning, it is better to ignore it. Regular water-flow from the eyes must be treated as 2-4 drops are inserted into each eye 3-4 times daily (mix 200 mg of alum powder to 1/4 ounce of rose water and use as suggested above).

Take outer rind of Harar, Bahera and Amla (in equal quantity) and reduce to powder form, mix the powder with double quantity of ghee and lA quantity of honey and mix the ingredients. Usual dose is Vi tsp-1 tsp daily.


When a person looks towards sunlight in the open, he will feel some objects (like spider, bee, cockroaches etc ) floating before the eyes but it doesn’t usually occur indoors when light is not bright. This is no disease hence it is better to ignore it. Take a capsule of Becosules/Cobadex Cap, Vitamin ‘A’, plenty of raw carrots or juice thereof, tomatoes, apples and milk and its products. Keep proper hygiene of eyes.


This is an extended and acute form of conjunctivitis which spreads in an advance form. It is precipitated by a virus infection which is more dangerous than the bacterial infection variety. The disease spreads from one person to another, even looking nakedly into an infected person’s eyes can cause transmittance of virus to a healthy person’s eyes.

The patient must use moderate to dark goggles, stay secluded in the house and avoid contact with healthy persons—the latter are also advised to wear goggles, keep away form sunlight, glare and sparking lights. Take Saptamrita Lauha as directed earlier. Use, Triphala water locally and orally, as indicated earlier. If there is serious infection or pus fonnation, contact a physician and abide by his advice.


This condition can be confirmed when a patient is unable to see in the darkness and at night. The disease is triggered by lack or absence of balanced diet, deficiency of Vitamin ‘A’ in particular, malarial or typhoidal fever, lack of or proper eye-care and hygiene and general debility. Some people maintain that this disease appears at the fag end of rainy season and lasts for about 6 months or so in a few cases but, if the melody persists beyond 6 months, expert’s opinion is a prime requisite.

Remove constipation by taking Triphala powder (1 tsp), Jam of Harar or Gulkand at bed-time with milk. Mix equal quantities of juice of white onions and honey and drop 2-3 drops into each eye 3-4 times daily.

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