Apis – Burning urination. Dysuria with stinging pains. Urine Scanty, high coloured; last drops burn and smart; albuminuria. Incontinence of urine at night. Retention of urine in new born.
Arsenicum – Dysuria. Retention of urine as if bladder were paralysed, after parturition. Urine scanty, burning involuntary.
Belladonna – Involuntary urination on lying down. Retention of urine with paralysis of bladder; post partum. Fiery red urine; Frequent and profuse urination. Haematuria without pathological conditions.
Causticum – Paralysis of bladder from long retention of urine and consequent incontinence (as in sleep or in school girls). Involuntary passage of urine on coughing. Urine dribbles or passes slowly. Insensibility of urethra while passing urine.
Natrum mur. – Involuntary urination on coughing, sneezing. Has to wait long to pass urine in the presence of others. Must wait before the urine will start.
Nux vomica – Painful, ineffectual urging to urinate. Paralysis of bladder – urine dribbles – in old men with enlarged prostate.
Sarsaparilla – Can pass urine only when standing, but urine flows freely when lying in bed at night. Crusty urinary sediment. Sand on diaper.
Lycopodium – Urine scanty; cries before urinating (esp. in children who wake up from pain). Red sand in urine. Urine burning hot.
Sepia – Involuntary urination during first sleep agg. coughing or hearing sudden noise. Urine thick, foul, adheres to the vessel. Red sandy sediment.
Sulphur – Sudden call to urinate – must hurry. Painful, ineffectual effort to urinate. Retention of urine.
Cantharis – Urine burning, scalding, cutting, intolerable urging and fearful tenesmus or dribbling. Dysuria.