Apis – Menses last a day or appear at intervals of one day. Menses too profuse or too scanty. Abortion in the fourth month of pregnancy due to incompetent Os.
Belladonna – Menses bright red with clot, too early, too profuse, hot gushing. Violent bearing down as if everything would fall out. Better STANDING. Worse Lying down.
Calcarea carb – Menses too early, too profuse, too long lasting with cold damp feet. Mental excitement causes menses to return or causes dysmenorrhoea.
China – Menses too early, dark, clotted with abdominal distention. Steady gushing flow of bright red blood with nausea – gasping with each gush of blood.
Ipecacuanha – Uterine haemorrhage profuse, bright red, steady flow of gushing with nausea and gasping with each gush of blood. Cutting pain in uterus from left to right. Menses too early and too profuse. Steady flow of bright red blood which does not coagulate.
Lachesis – Menses black, scanty vicarious from nose. Uterine and ovarian pains Better by flow of blood. Climacteric troubles with flushes of heat. Leucorrhoea : Copious, smarting, staining and stiffening the linen. Less the flow more the pain. Desire to go in open air.
Nux vomica – Menses early, profuse and prolonged. Dysmen-orrhoea; cramping pains extend to the whole body with constant urging to stool. Leucor-rhoea : Fetid, staining yellow.
Phosphorus – Menses too early, scanty, not profuse but prolonged. Amenorrhoea with blood spitting. Leucorrhoea : profuse, smarting corrosive instead of menses.
Pulsatilla – Amenorrhoea from wet feet, nervous debility or anaemia. Feels like menstruating. Menses dark, thick. Too late, scanty clotted, change able, intermittent, irregular, vicarious Delayed at puberty. Leucorrhoea milky, thick like cream with pain in the back and exhaustion.
Sabina – Menses too profuse, too early, gushing and hot, watery blood mixed with dark clots. Worse from least motion but often better by walking. With pain from sacrum to pubes or reverse; or shooting up vagina. Leucorrhoea foul, acrid, thick, yellow from suppressed menses.
Sepia – Menses absent at puberty; after weaning. Menses too late and scanty irregular. Or irregular, early and profuse. Leucorrhoea yellow, greenish, milky in large lumps in little girls; instead of menses.