Antimonium tart. – Suffocative shortness of breath from great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling and inability to raise it (Rer. I pec) especially in children, and old people. Must sit up to breathe or cough. Worse lying. Child bends backwards with cough. Asphyxia of newborn. Child breathless and pale when born.
Apis – Panting breathing. Feels every breath would be his last. Asthma from hives amel. by a little expectoration. Cannot tear heat of the weather.
Arsenicum – Severe shortness of breath; worse at night, 1 to 2 a.m. cold air, ices. Better sitting bent forward (lying down impossible). Typically restless, anxious with fear of death. Better hot drinks.
Chamomilla – Asthma from a fit of anger. Suffocative dyspnoea better bending head backwards; from drinking cold water. Impatient of suffering. One cheek flushed, red and hot, the other pale and cold.
Ipecac.- Violent degree of dyspnoea with wheezing. Gasps for air at the open window. Worse warmth; better open air. Suffocative cough; child stiffens out, turns red, gags or vomits.
Kali carb. Breathing asthmatic worse least motion. Worse 2 to 4 a.m. Lying down impossible. Worse drafts of air. Better sitting upright, bent forward, or by rocking.
Lachesis – Attacks of suffocation in sleep; when falling asleep; on waking up after sleep. Better sitting bent forward. Wants doors and windows open; must rush for open air.
Natrum sulph. – Humid asthma in children with every change to wet, damp weather. Sputa greenish, copious.
Lycopodium – Asthma with great distention of abdomen. Must loosen clothes. Flapping of alae nasi. Worse 4 to 8 p.m. Better warm drinks.
Nux vomica – Asthma from every disorder of stomach (imperfect and slow digestion). Selects his food and digests almost none. Oversensitive to least noise; draught of air. Touchy, irritable.
Medorrhinum – Choking from spasm of epiglottis; Better only by lying on face and protruding tongue or lying in knee-elbow position. Better also at sea-side.
Spongia – Dyspnoea with wheezing, whistling; seldom rattling. Must sit up and bend forward. Expectoration difficult (has to be swallowed). Feels as if breathing through a sponge. Worse cold, dry wind.
Bromine – Asthma of sailors as soon as they go ashore. Coldness in larynx.
Psorinum – Asthma worse sitting up; better by lying on back… the wider apart he can keep his arms the better he breathes. A chilly