Argentum nit. – Craves sugar which disagrees. Desire for cheese. Loss of appetite. Eating amel nausea but agg. stomach pain.
Ars. Alb. – Cannot bear the sight, smell or thought of food unquenchable, burning thirst. Desires little and often. Desires ice cold water which distresses the stomach and is vomited immediately Vomiting and purging from food poisoning.
Belladonna – Desire for lemonade or lemons which agree.
Bryonia – Thirst for large quantity of cold water (also warm drinks) which amei. Aversion to milk, which he relishes after taking.
Calcarea carb. – Craving for indigestible things : chalk, coal, pencil. Also CRAVING for EGGS, ice-cream, salt and sweets. Aversion to meat. Milk disagrees.
China – Hungry and yet want of appetite. Vosacious. appetite in emaciation of children. Bitter or sour eructations after milk. Quick satiety. Aversion to all food. Loud belching without relief.
Cina- Hunger, voracious; after eating; after vomiting. Alternating with loss of appetite. Craving for sweets, bread. Vomiting with a clean tongue. Vomiting and diarrhoea after eating. Aversion to mother’s milk.
Feiruni met. – Increase and loss of appetite alternately.Aversion to meat, to eggs, to sour fruits. Spits up food by the mouthful. Easy vomiting without nausea.
Ipecac – Desire for dainties, sweets. Horrid nausea not amel. by vomiting. Vomits blood, bile, food. Aversion to food. Thirstless. Vomiting of infants at the breast. Clean tongue.
IgnatiaHuger – with nausea. Craves raw or indigestible tilings. Empty sinking in stomach not amel by eating.
Lycopodium – Hunger but quick satiety. Eating ever so little creates fullness. Agg. from flatulent foods, cabbage, cysters. Desire for sweets, delicacies Likes to take drinks or food hot. Bad effects of onions.
Natrum mur. – Desire for salt, bitter things, oysters, fish, milk. Thirsty drinks large quantity of water. Great hunger, yet emaciates with depressed mind.
Nuz vomica – Craves piquant food, beer, fat food. Hiccough from over-eating. Eructations sour. Nausea “would be better if I can only vomit”. Better vomiting and hot food.
Pulsatilla – Aversion to water (Thirstless). fats, bread, milk, warm food and drinks. Onions disagree. thirstlessness with nearly all complaints
Sepia – Nausea at the thought or smell of food. Boiled milk disagrees.
Phosphorus – Craves cold drinks which ameliorate. Drinks vomited when they become warm in stomach. Craves salt and spicy things. Unable to drink, water during pregnancy.