Dr. H.C. Allen says in his “Keynotes and Characteristics” that in order to select one remedy for a case, the practitioner has to compare several remedies having similar symptoms to those of the patient and then differentiate between these remedies.
To do this correctly and rapidly he must have some knowledge of the peculiar and uncommon characteristic symptoms which could be used as pivotal points of comparison, such as the aggravation from motion of Bryonia, the amelioration from motion of Rhus tox, the apathetic indifference of Phosphoric acid.
In the following articles the CHIEF COMPLAINTS are given followed by various high ranking remedies which have produced (and cured) those complaints, (i.e. comparable remedies). In the next column a few differentiating symptoms have been given, with the help of which you will be able to identify the correct remedy.
However, before making a final decision the practitioner is advised to check up with the LEADING CHARACTERISTICS of that remedy (in Section IV) to make sure that the selected remedy fits the case. (These Characteristics present the SYMPTOM COMPLEX of that remedy, such as Generals, Modalities, Cravings and aversions and some note-worthy Peculiar symptoms. Even three or four of these characteristic group will justify selection of that remedy, since they collectively indicate that drug.