Pranayama: Yoga For Eyes

1. Sit erect, comfortably, relaxed.

2. Perform eye movements only, holding head steady and unmoved.

3. Inhale in one direction. Exhale in the other.

4. Do not hurry movements but look through eyes to become aware of external images.

5. Each movement to be done 7 times.

6. After each sequence blink quickly to ease the strain.

7. When all movements are completed cup the eyes and palm then move the palms to create a sucking action.

8. Make it a regular habit to wash eyes with a eye-cup in cold water 2 times a day.

9. Cover eyes whenever resting to avoid light on eyes.


1. Across

Move eyes across in a straight line, inhale and exhale

2. Up and Down

3. Round and Round, Square and Corner to Corner

4. Sit before window; stretch the right arm in front index finger upright; look at the tip of the index fing. and then at the horizon alternately.

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