Preksha Yoga: Preksha Yoga to Treat Drug Addiction

The psychoactive drugs or street drugs are being taken in a deliberate attempt to elevate mood (euphorigens) and produce unusual state of consciousness up to the state of hallucination. All these drugs exert their actions directly or indirectly by altering the normal functions of neurons.

Tolerance to a drug occurs when increasing doses of that drug are required to achieve effects that initially occurred in response to a smaller dose, that is it takes more drug to do the same job.

If the consumption of drug goes on along with tolerance, it culminates in drug dependence or drug addiction. Drug dependency is a function of the amount of drug used and the duration of usage. Alcohol, opioids, LSD, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, caffeine and nicotine are a few important agents that are being taken by drug users.

There is accumulating evidence that an impairment syndrome exists in drug users. It is believed that drug use produces damaged neurotransmitter receptor sites, causing ‘kindling’ effects — repeated stimulation of the brain. These effects may be manifested as mood swings, panic, psychosis and occasionally overt seizure activity. The imbalance also results in personal non-productivity, frequent job changes, marital problems, negative behavioural changes and generally erratic behaviour, which in turn make the personal and family life the hell.

Preksha — Yoga management

Yogic exercises – Of the whole body
Asanas – Tadasana, Trikonasana, Halasana, Naukasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Shashankasana and Sarvangasana
Pranayama – Ujjayai and Supta bhastrika
Kayotsarga – 30 minutes — twice a day
Preksha – Visualization of green colour at Darshan kendra
Anupreksha – Contemplation of drug de-addiction
Yoga Nidra – Exclusively for drug addictsa

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