Natural Remedies: Therapeutic and Mucus Clearing Properties of Honey, Indian Gooseberry, Linseed, Mustard Seeds and Onion


Honey is a mucus clearing food. It helps remove mucus and phlegm form bronchial tube. It is said that if a jug of honey is held under the nose of asthma patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with honey, he starts breathing easier and deeper. The effect lasts for about an hour.or so.

Honey usually brings relief whether the air flowing over it is inhaled or whether it is eaten or taken either in milk or water. It thins out accumulated mucus and helps its elimination from the respiratory passages. It also prevents the production of further mucus.

Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry is of great value as a mucus clearing food. It has proved beneficial in the treatment of respiratory systems disorders like asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis of the lungs. Five grams of gooseberry juice, mixed with one tablespoon of honey, forms an effective medicinal expectorant tonic for the treatment of these diseases. It should be taken every morning. When fresh fruit is not available, dry gooseberry powder can be taken with honey.


Linseed is a mucus clearing food. A decoction made from it is considered useful in curing congestion in asthma and prevent recurrence of attacks. This decoction is prepared by boiling a teaspoon of linseed powder and a piece of palm candy in two cups of water till the mixture is reduced to half. This decoction taken with a tablespoon of milk will give relief from chest congestion. Simultaneously linseed poultice should be applied externally at the lung bases for reducing internal congestion.

Mustard Seeds

Mustard seeds have been recognized for centuries as a decongestant and an expectorant. They help break up mucus in air passages. They are thus an effective remedy for congestion caused by colds and sinus problems. One reason why mustard seeds are mucus clearing food is that it constitute a hot food.

During an attack of asthma and bronchitis, mustard seed oil, mixed with little camphor, should be massaged over the back of the chest. This will loosen up phelgm and ease breathing. The patient should also inhale steam from the boiling water mixed with caraway seeds. It will dilate the bronchial passage.


This popular vegetable is of great value as a mucus clearing food. It liquefies phlegm and prevents its further formation. It has been used as a food remedy for centuries in cold, cough, bronchitis and influenza. Equal amounts of onion juice and honey should be mixed together and three to four teaspoons of this mixture should be taken daily in treating these conditions. It is one of the safest preventive medicines against common cold during winter.

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